Good Day offers 6 styles of Pilates

Designed so you can move better, feel better. Each person working towards their own individualized goals with one instructor. Suitable for all experience levels. 11 reformers in Soho and Brooklyn Heights, 12 reformers in Williamsburg.

Something for everyone.

Good Athlete

A strong, athletic workout. Be prepared to sweat, build functional strength and prevent injury.

Feel strong.

Good Flow

Connect mind and body with a non-stop flow of Pilates.
Creative and fast paced to challenge endurance.

Feel connected.

Good Air

Jumpboard class, building cardiovascular endurance and power without overloading the body.

Feel free.

Good Recovery

Active stretching, myofascial release and a short meditation. Designed for you to slow down.

Feel calm.

Good Bubs

Bring your own baby. Build strength while bonding with your bub. Suitable for Moms, Dads or any special people. Babies welcome from birth to crawling. Not suitable to pregnancy beyond 20 weeks.

Feel strong.

Note: No strollers in BK Heights or Soho due to stairs. We have space for strollers in Williamsburg only.

Good Mama

Pre and Postnatal, building strength and mobility throughout all stages of pregnancy.

Feel better.